Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Transitive and Intransitive sentences

A. Transitive and Intransitive Sentences
1.      i was sleeping at 09.30 p.m
2.      rita runs quickly last Sunday
3.      my friend and i are going shopping tonight
4.      my mother cooked a cake
5.      diva jumps so high
6.      Fika cleans her room every morning
7.      I am eating meatball now
8.      Wiji and his boyfriend are watching a movie at cinema
9.      He made a paint so beautiful
10.  Jonathan Christie writes a romantic novel

B. Explanation
            Sentence in number one is a intransitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are I, was sleeping, at, and 09.30 pm. The identification are subject (I), predicate (was sleeping), complement (at 09.30 p.m). then I are noun, was sleeping (verb phrase), at 09.30 p.m (modifier of time). All of these are not phrase. However was sleeping at is a phrase. Which it’s head is 09.30 p.m.
            Sentence in number two is a intransitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are Rita, runs, quickly, and last sunday. The identification are subject (Rita), predicate (runs), object (quickly), complement (last Sunday). then Rita is noun, runs (verb phrase), quickly (complement), last sunday (modifier of time). All of these are not phrase. However runs is a phrase, Which it’s head is quickly.
            Sentence in number three is a intransitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are my friend and i, are going, shopping, and tonight. The identification are subject (My friend and i), predicate (are going), object (shopping), complement (tonight). then my friend and i are noun, are going (verb phrase), shopping (complement), tonight (modifier of time). All of these are not phrase. However are going is a phrase, Which it’s head is shopping.
            Sentence in number four is a intransitive sentence. Which consist of three elements, those are my mother, cooked, and a cake. The identification are subject (My mother), predicate (cooked), object (object). Then my mother are noun, cooked (verb phrase), a cake (complement object), last sunday. All of these are not phrase. However cooked is a phrase, Which it’s head is a cake.
            Sentence in number five is a intransitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are diva, jumps, and so high. The identification are subject (Diva), predicate (jumps), object (so high). then diva is noun, jumps (verb phrase), so high(complement). All of these are not phrase. However jumps is a phrase, Which it’s head is so high.
Sentence in number six is a transitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are Fika, cleans, her room, and every morning. The identification are subject (Fika), predicate (cleans), her room (object), complement (every morning). then fika is noun, cleans (verb phrase), her room(C.object), every morning (modifier of time). All of these are not phrase. However cleans at is a phrase. Which it’s head is her room.
            Sentence in number seven is a transitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are i, am eating, meatball, and now. The identification are subject (i), predicate (eating), object (meatball), complement (now). then i are noun, am eating (verb phrase), meatball (C. Object), now (modifier of time). All of these are not phrase. However eating is a phrase, Which it’s head is meatball.
            Sentence in number eight is a transitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are wiji and his boyfriend, are watching, a movie, and at cinema. The identification are subject (wiji and his boyfriend), predicate (are watching), object (a movie), complement (at cinema). then wiji and his boyfriend are noun, are watching (verb phrase), a movie (complement), at cinema (modifier of place). All of these are not phrase. However are watching is a phrase, Which it’s head is a movie.
            Sentence in number nine is a transitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are he, made, a paint, and so beautiful. The identification are subject (he), predicate (made), object (a paint), complement ( so beautiful). Then he is noun, made (verb phrase), a paint (object), so beautiful (complement). All of these are not phrase. However made is a phrase, Which it’s head is a paint.
            In the last Sentence is a transitive sentence. Which consist of four elements, those are Jonathan Christie, writes, a romantic novel. The identification are subject (Jonathan christie), predicate (writes), object (a romantic novel). then jonathan Christie is noun, writes (verb phrase), a romantic novel (complement). All of these are not phrase. However writes is a phrase, Which it’s head is a romantic novel.